USB Flash Tools

USB Flash Tools 2.10

Image USB Flash Tools 2.10
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  • Developer:

    Sarah Dean

  • OS:

    Windows XP

  • License:


  • Updated:

    January 30, 2022

  • "Manage your flash drive or USB device"

USB Flash Drives today have become really popular mainly for two reasons: the first is that they currently offer very high memory capacities (some more than 40 GB, for example), and the other reason is that they have suffered a spectacular price reduction compared to what they cost when they began to arrive in stores.

In addition to the basic care that has to be applied to a USB stick (cleaning, avoiding shocks, etc.) is also very important to take care of the memory internally. USB Flash Tools is a very complete application from which you can configure absolutely any option of the memory: from verifying if the storage capacity is what is offered to permanently and securely delete any file that you do not want to leave even a trace in the memory.

So, anyone who wants to have peace of mind using their USB stick would be well advised to have the USB Flash Tools program on their computer.